Sunday, March 9, 2014

Princess Elsa of Arendale~

HAI! I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long, I haven't actually been drawing for all this time! Well, not anything I'd wanna put here at least... Anyway, here is my first drawing of Princess Elsa from the movie Frozen, before and after I colored her. I just finished this drawing, like, right now. Like, 5 AM right now. Yep, I was that determined...

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Hai!! Guess what? IM MAKING A TARDIS DRESS!!! I'm going to fix up my design for it, then my cousin said she'll give it to her mom to make!! (she's very good at making clothes) Wey!!! Here's my design at the moment, but like I said, I'm gonna make some touch ups to it. Oh, and where it parts on the bottom part will be able to open, and there will be the inside of the tardis! ^w^ I'll post the pic of the fixed design, and probably the finished product as well ^u^

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Hai again! I drew this a while ago, it's Veneziano (North Italy) from the anime Hetalia. It's one of my best drawings and I love it. ^u^
Again, I don't mind, in fact I encourage, suggestions and feedback. Thanks for everyone reading my blogs! Love y'all! ^-^

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Mah first horsey drawing ^-^

Hai! I just wanted to show this drawing I did last Friday for a friend! I drew this, copying off a pic on the internet, at like 2 a.m. Don't ask how... XD welp, I'll post more later. Please, feel free to comment any feedback! I don't mind any suggestions on what I should fix, just don't be rude or inappropriate... ^u^